Silver Fox Rabbits

Breed Description

The Silver Fox is a large breed dual-purpose rabbit known for its beautiful pelts, hardiness, high meat to bone ratio, good mothering, and gentle temperament. Silver Fox rabbits are born solid and begin to develop their silvering as early as 4 weeks old, although it takes several months to finish. The fur of these rabbits is unusually dense and can be up to 2″ in length. These rabbits make absolutely gorgeous finished pelts. 

Why Raise Rabbits?

On our homestead, we love our rabbits because they are so pleasant and quiet to raise, are efficient at feed conversion and foraging, are low-maintenance and productive, and are a very sustainable meat source.  Rabbit meat is known for being low in fat, sodium and cholesterol, and high in digestible protein, phosphorus, calcium and other nutrients. Rabbits take up very little space and are a great option if you live in town but would like to take steps towards raising your own food.

Our Management System

Our rabbitry consists of black, chocolate, blue, and lilac colored Silver Fox rabbits. We select for rabbits with good temperaments, mothering skills, hardiness, meat production, and conformity to the characteristics of the Silver Fox breed. Our brood does and breeding bucks are raised in the barn with full access to quality hay as well as a mixed grain ration, minerals, and daily forage (as weather and time permits). 


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For more information on Silver Fox Rabbits, enjoy the breed description on the Livestock Conservancy website.

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