Egg Sales

We sell Organically Fed and seasonally free-ranged eggs for $4.50 per dozen. On farm pick-up as well as in-town drop off options available. Contact us to be added to the list.
We also have some hybrid laying hens available that are at the prime of their laying careers. $15 each.
Heritage Poultry
Ancona Ducks
Ancona Ducks are known as the Holsteins of the duck world, we’ll let you guess why. These ducks have excellent foraging tendencies, lay 210-280 nutritious eggs per year, and have a decent carcass for meat. Duck eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D, and we have found them to be extremely helpful in Gluten Free baking because they have a better hold than chicken eggs. We love our ducks’ quirky (one might say “quacky”) personalities, and watching ducks find a pool or puddle is sure to bring a smile. For more information on Ancona Ducks, check out the Livestock Conservancy website description.
Update: We have currently decreased our duck numbers and are spending the winter thinking through our poultry goals. Stay tuned for a spring update on our ducks.

Heritage Chickens

Our Heritage Chickens are a barnyard mix of mostly New Hampshire, Wyandotte, and Jersey Giant breeds. We are working towards hardy chickens that avoid predation, can forage for a lot of their own food, are consistent setters, and lay eggs with bright orange yolks. We are also slowly selecting for rose combs since these tend to do better in our cold Wisconsin winters.
Update: We have sold off our old flock and are in the beginning stages of working with the American Bresse dual-purpose breed of chickens. We still have the same poultry goals, but we think the American Bresse will be a better breed to help accomplish them. More info by spring.
Our Management System
We free range all of our poultry during the day and lock them up at night to avoid loss to predators. They are fed an organic whole grain, no soy or corn mixed ration and forage for a lot of their own food. So far, we have had minimal predator loss, which we believe is due to our chickens’ ability to spot and hide from hawks as well as our dogs’ work at keeping our property predator free.
Our breeding goals for both our chickens and ducks is good forage ability, egg production with high quality eggs (orange yolks), general hardiness, and large carcass size. We aren’t where we’d like to be yet, but are making slow progress towards our ideal homestead flock.